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Lorene Maloney Celebrates Birthday

Sunday, Dec. 15, was a great day for family members to gather in the home of Lorene Maloney to celebrate their mother’s birthday. The home was full of laughter, along with a bounty of food, and of course, birthday cake.

Those present were Larry and Debbie Chance; Donald and Carolyn Davis and daughter, Lacey Davis; Connie Givans; Fallon Givans; Jarrett and Kara Dougherty and son, Dillon; Tim and Laura Stillings, Austin, Ashton, and Weston; Missy Skyles, Colton, and Spencer; Jason and Amy Lansdown and Noah.

Those unable to attend were William and Carrie Fitzgerald, and Dan and Todd Givans.

Calls were received from family members Darin and Dusty Chance, of Grain Valley, and Brian Fitzgerald, of Clarksville, Tenn.

A beautiful flower was received from a nephew, Ron and Darla Rippee, of Midland, Mich.